Managing manifests
Starting with Kubernetes can be funny, especially when you finally understand a bit more about the internals and how to use all those manifests and objects.
After my first few steps and mistakes, which basically lead to a complete re-setup of my Kind cluster, I decided I want to find a proper way to manage the configs.
I found support for Kubernetes manifests in ansible, which a good friend of mine is fond of, so I gave it a spin.
Ansible &
The installation of Ansible itself and the galaxy plugin is pretty straight forward and better explained here, than I ever could.
That out of the way, let us see how it actually works. Written in Python, it uses Jinja2 for templating, which looks awfully familiar (and yes, I copied the first example):
- name: Create a k8s namespace
name: testing
api_version: v1
kind: Namespace
state: present
This basically let us rewrite or rather copy the whole manifests and put them into playbooks, there is a bit of template magic available, but I don’t see any really advantage here. Next!
Make &
Using good ol' make should be sufficient here, right? We just apply a bunch of yaml files and can define dependencies to targets, this should make it pretty worthwhile.
After some hours fighting multiline commands and a complete lack of any heredoc, I assembled some
simple targets, which basically consisted of kubectl apply -f deployment/file.yaml
or the
reversal of it with delete.
During my time with make, I had a few learnings along the way:
Setting variables inside of targets is difficult and can only be done via:
$(eval VAR := $(shell ls))
Default targets can be set like this:
.DEFAULT_GOAL := target
Use .PHONY, when the name of the target is also a directory:
.PHONY: docs
I used this for a while, but.. NEXT!
Helm &
Helm is another way of managing your resources. Behind the nautical-themed name is a full-featured repository manager and a powerful templating engine, which I mentioned earlier looks pretty similar to Jinja2
So you can either use one of the many ready-to-use charts from a chart museum - that is the name of the repositories (still nautical - you see?) or roll your own. There is lots of ground to cover and I don’t want to even try to give a glimpse into it, there are dozen of better resources available.
Library type &
Still one noteworthy thing is the new library type in v3 of helm: They allow us to create non-installable base charts and let new charts inherit from. This way you don’t have to copy/paste manifests and can just include them from a base.
This is pretty straight forward, here is a small example:
Layout &
The layout can be like this:
$ ls -R1 base-chart
$ ls -R1 inherited-chart
Contents &
And the content of files can be like this:
{% raw %}{{- define "base-chart.service" -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ include "base-chart.fullname" . }}
{{- include "base-chart.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
- port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
targetPort: {{ .Values.container.port }}
protocol: TCP
name: http
{{- include "base-chart.selectorLabels" . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end -}}{% endraw %}
{% raw %}{{ include "base-chart.service" . }}{% endraw %}
Managing kubernetes &
So back to the task at hand, I wanted to manage a complete set up and with Helm I can create a bunch of charts to install them and manage the versions.
Umbrella charts &
And to makle this easier: We can create a so-called umbrella chart, which just consists of dependencies to other charts and install them accordingly.
Helmfile &
Helmfile is another layer on-top of Helm and makes the whole handling a bit easier. Once you’ve created a helm chart, you can take the values file from it and use the remaining chart as a template for the rest.
For new deployments, you just create a new values file and let Helmfile handle the rest.
Layout &
A simple layout can be like this:
$ ls -R1 helmfile
# snip
The usage of environments is a bit tricky, but I will explain it down the road. So let us focus on the helmfile, which contains all the fun:
- name: stable
- name: inherited
chart: ./charts/base-chart
#- other_chart
- ./values/inherited.yaml
Here we describe a single release, with no other dependencies (needs), which uses the our
base-chart as a base and its values from a file named inherited.yaml.
With this ready, a single run of
should do the trick.helmfile sync
Environments &
Environments offer a way to set stuff like ports, credentials and stuff like that for a complete env - so you don’t have to use different versions here.
In environments/default.yaml we define the username and password for a postgres database:
username: test
password: test
In order to use this config, we have to rename inherited.yaml to inherited.tpl:
# snip
value: {{ .Environment.Values.postgres.username }}
value: {{ .Environment.Values.postgres.password }}
# snip